[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations

Electricity & Magnetism

E12: Simple Battery


Purpose: To show how easy it is to make a battery, to show the conversion of chemical to electrical energy, and to show that such a device                      could have been built by humans when they entered the iron age and began to grow grapes.



"Battery" consisting of a solid iron rod surrounded by a copper cylinder inside a glass cylinder; a voltmeter connected between the iron rod and copper cylinder; grapes (provided by demonstrator) and masher.

Mash grapes with masher to produce liquid. Humorous comments while doing so help generate interest. Pour liquid into beaker containing Fe and Cu cylinders. Voltmeter will show a potential difference of ~0.5 Volts.

Equipment List: Storage Location: CHEMP 130A


Analog Voltmeter B1.3
  Battery C3.3
  Masher C3.3


Manual: None

  Setup Notes: E12 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Other school's Demonstration web pages



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