[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations


F60: Acoustic Cannon


Purpose: To display some of the transport properties of gases.



The Air Cannon uses a vortex of air for ammunition. Its unique shape creates a stable toroidal vortex. Pull back the flexible membrane, release and the invisible wave front of air can hit a target 20 feet away! A great demonstration of the energy that can be stored in waves. Use a stage fogger to let the students see the vortex

  1. Aim the cannon at a person several meters away; pull back the plastic cover and release it. The person will feel a puff of air after an appreciable delay.
  2. Fill the cannon with fog. Fire it horizontally across the room. A fog ring will travel a great distance without dispersing.

Equipment List: Storage Location: CHEMP 130A


Acoustic Cannon D3.3
  Stage Fogger D3.3


Manual: Online   Setup Notes: F60 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Pasco Other school's Demonstration web pages



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