[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations


L25: Fiber Optics


Purpose: To demonstrate the practicality of laser communication devices and the advantages of fiber optics in carrying light.



Plug in the laser and let it warm up. In the back of the laser, plug in the tape player output and set up the receiver some distance away. After demonstrating the effectiveness of this type of communication, the instructor may then exhibit how fog (from the dry ice) can eliminate the communication completely. Then show how this interference may be overcome by the use of a fiber optics wave guide.

Equipment List: Storage Location: CHEMP 130A


Tape player, modulatable laser, light-sensitive receiver, plastic cup E2.3
  Fiber optics cable E2.3
  Dry ice HAHN


Manual: None   Setup Notes: L25 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Other school's Demonstration web pages



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