[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations


L70: Color Mixing Box


Purpose: To demonstrate an additive three color mixing scheme.



Three light sources are projected onto a screen. Each light source can have a colored filter placed in front of it creating circle of that color of light. The intensity of each light source can be adjusted to give the desired satuation.

A bar swings on a pivit behind the screen to produce muli-colored shadows that are complimentary colors to the three additive beams of light. This make for a great challenge question for the students. (See the teaching notes for ideas on how to use this color mixer)

The model shown on the right is slightly different then the model that we have. Our model is easier to use.

Equipment List: Storage Location: CHEMP 130A


Singerman Additive Color Mixing Box A1.6


Manual: None   Setup Notes: L70 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Sargent-Welch # WL3671 Other school's Demonstration web pages



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