[Virginia Tech Department of Physics]

Lecture Demonstrations

Modern Physics

Q45: Cloud Chamber


Purpose: To exhibit the tracks left by radiation from radioactive materials.



Place dry ice or liquid nitrogen between the insulating base and the cloud chamber. Pour about 1/3 the ethanol onto the felt pads on the top of the cloud chamber. Pour the remaining ethanol into the cloud chamber bottom.

Place the illumination light in the window at the back of the cloud chamber. A electric field can be set up to force the charged particles downward into the sensitive layer by rubbing the top glass with silk. A permanent magnet can be placed underneath the chamber to show the deflection of the charged particle by a magnetic field.

You can see the tracks left by the radiation from the sources and from cosmic rays by viewing the chamber from an angle of about 60 degrees from the horizontal. (Note: To make this demonstration useful for a large classroom a close-up camera should be used to view the chamber.)

Equipment List: Storage Location: CHEMP 130A
  Cloud chamber on insulated base with illumination light source E3.4
  Dry ice or liquid nitrogen HAHN
  Denatured ethanol (about 1 pint) F5.4
  Rare Earth permanent magnet E3.4
  Electrostatics kit C2.3
  Radiation source CHEMP 109


Manual   Setup Notes: Q45 PIRA #:
Manufacturer(s): Supersaturated Environments Other school's Demonstration web pages



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