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Physics REU Program Finishes Fifth Year with Poster Session

The Physics Department successfully finished its fifth year of a National Science Foundation supported REU (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) program.  The program is primarily focused on neutrino and astrophysics.  This summer's program included 10 undergraduate students from a total of 10 different universities, all funded by NSF award number 2149165.  The program closed this year with a well-attended poster session where REU students and other summer undergraduate researchers in the Physics department presented their work to faculty and graduate students.  For the REU program, poster prizes went to: Paul Rose of Bard College, first prize (mentored by Prof. Jonathan Link);  Brittany Callin of University of Colorado-Boulder and Bronwen Olson of University of Texas at Dallas, second prize (mentored by Prof. Camillo Mariani).  A top-prize for non-REU researchers was awarded to Al Mercedes Casado of Williams College (mentored by Prof. Rana Ashkar).